Hi, I’m Cait!

Pudding liquorice cake cake cake. Marzipan marzipan sesame snaps topping cookie biscuit. Oat cake sweet tiramisu cupcake sweet lemon drops. Muffin soufflé caramels bear claw donut tart.

Marzipan macaroon donut sweet roll gummi bears candy canes toffee macaroon. Topping marzipan tart donut cupcake. Sweet roll toffee halvah chocolate.

My Favorite Things to Do


Gardening. blah blah blah flowers blah blah.


Baking. Fun times baking and cooking yummy food.


Being Creative. Crafting. I’m making a quilt with tee shirts. that’s pretty darn fun if you ask me, eh.

how I got Here

I Got Lucky

Yup, you read that right. I got lucky. I actually have no idea what I’m doing and started this for shits and gigs. Now I’m super bored and can’t figure out wordpress cause it’s not intuitive at all. I think a girl coded it. So here’s some filler. lollipop cheesecake marzipan jelly-o liquorice apple pie halvah cotton candy. Fruitcake tootsie roll halvah macaroon chupa chups candy canes dragée. Tootsie roll sweet icing pudding cheesecake chocolate cake. Cupcake chupa chups pastry pudding cotton candy ice cream. Cotton candy macaroon gingerbread halvah wafer cake oat cake ice cream. Tiramisu tart

Donut gingerbread powder cupcake croissant sugar plum chocolate bar cupcake. Ice cream chocolate cake candy gummi bears muffin. Gummi bears topping shortbread donut donut gummies. Cake powder danish jelly-o dessert icing oat cake pie chocolate. Apple pie toffee marzipan marshmallow toffee jelly-o. Lollipop liquorice bear claw dessert candy. Dragée jelly topping bear claw dessert chocolate candy canes pie halvah. Jelly beans carrot cake toffee lemon drops cupcake bear claw dessert halvah lemon drops. Carrot cake soufflé pastry tart soufflé candy canes pastry.

You, My Friend

are so screwed

Why is there so much crap on this about page. Like WTF. No one wants to read this much about me.

Here’s a cool picture of my pasture at sunset for a filler image cause I’m not showing my face on here. Hope you like it. Can you tell it’s a Nebraska sunset? Pretty cool, huh.